(a) An in-date certificate of vaccination against Equine Influenza Virus
(b) An in-date certificate proving that the named stallion has been swabbed and tested negative for Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) in the current breeding season.
(c) An in-date certificate of vaccination against Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) including proof that the stallion was negative for EVA prior to vaccination OR a certificate from either the VLA or the AHT certifying that the stallion is serologically negative for EVA or a blood test taken within 28 days of entering TBS or has been proven by virus isolation on a semen sample collected after January 1st of the current year not to be shedding EVA.
(d) A current valid paid up certificate of insurance cover.
(e) Visiting Stallions MUST NOT be used for covering for 35 days prior to arrival at TBS (f) The Passport or other identification MUST accompany the named Stallion to TBS
11. VisitingMares:
(a) Mares arriving from Ireland or Europe or who have been in those countries within the last 6 months must additionally have a negative test for Equine Infectious Anaemia (EIA) a “Coggins Test”, the certificate for which must accompany the mare to Trevoulter Barton Stud.
(b) Certificates of NEGATIVE CEM, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeroginosa after the 1st • (c) In-date vaccination certificates for Equine Influenza Virus and Tetanus.
January of the current year and more than 14 days after the last mating (if any).
(d) All mares arriving at TBS must have had a blood test taken for Equine Viral Arteritis Virus (EVA) after January 1st of the current year within 28 days of arriving at TBS with a Negative result. The certificate mustaccompany the mare to stud.
Horses/Ponies on Livery and/or Part Livery will have inclusive use of the facilities at TBS namely the Cross Country Course, Pole Jumps (weather and ground conditions permitting), Outdoor School and quite hacking around farmland. Please keep to the edge if they are crop fields.
Whilst at TBS your Horse or Pony will receive every possible care, attention and supervision including CCTV supervision TBS take no responsibility for any accidents, injury, disease, theft, loss or when foaling the Horse/Pony.
All visiting mares are served at the Owners risk and no responsibility can be accepted for injury, damage or loss caused through trying or serving any Mare. All visiting Stallions used for A.I. are at the Owners risk and no responsibility can be accepted for injury, damage or loss.
Please note that all visiting mares live in a separate yard from the Stallions.
Kerensa Pluess-Cobbledick is a DEFRA Approved AI Technician, works closely with established specialist Equine Vets, this way we offer an overall package.
The Vet or resident AI technician will take in outside mares for AI with Fresh/Chilled and Frozen semen form out side stallions
Terms and Conditions of Horses for sale
1: All Horses for sale are open to any trainers or veterinary inspection to asses and ensure suitability prior to purchase. We recommend all Horses are re vetted prior to purchase to ensure peace of mind.
2: Foals or Horses purchased will be secured by a minimum of £500 deposit or 10% of the purchase price if more. For foals full payment is expected on weaning. Insurance is recommended & can be arranged. This deposit is non refundable unless the horse fails a vet check prior to purchase.
3: Horses for sale on behalf of clients will be stated as such, information & breeding regarding such Horses will be supplied by their owner. Any contract remains solely between the current owner & prospective purchaser.
4: A client can secure any Horse by payment of a minimum 10% deposit, which then forms a contract to purchase. All vettings should be carried out at by a vet of your choice. If a vetting is required this should be carried out within 1 week of the payment of deposit or deciding to proceed with purchase. Any deposit is only refundable if the Horse fail the vet within this time. Otherwise deposits are non refundable. If the purchaser should change there mind then any deposit is forfeit.
5: We strongly recommend insurance is taken out for your new Horse. This can be arranged by us if required.
6: Any balance of payment is due within 3 days by cleared funds. No Horse may be removed from TBS until funds are fully cleared. Any balance remaining unpaid may render the contract cancelled by the purchaser and any deposit is then forfeit.
7: After the balance has been paid we request that horses are collected within 3 days unless otherwise agreed. Horses left after this time may be liable for livery charges.
8: Whilst we make every effort to ensure accuracy of all information on our web site from time to time errors may occur. The details presented within are as a guide only and do not form part of any contract or offer for sale. We do not offer any warranty or guarantee expressed or implied in relation to ability the horses, success, levels achievable, continued soundness etc. We do not offer refunds. It is expected the purchaser is able to decide if a horse is suitable and if not the horse is open to examination by any expert veterinary or otherwise to determine such factors prior to purchase. All Competition Horses, Foals & Youngstock are sold as seen.
9: All horses are tried & assessed at your own & your associates risk. A hard hat must be worn at all times when trying horses. Whilst TBS try to ensure that their horses are suitable for their purchaser, we can not be certain of the purchaser's expectations or riding capabilities.
- Arrival to be by appointment only. The best time for Mares arriving for Stud is just before they are due to come into season they will then be consistently monitored to obtain the optimum timing for insemination.
- All Owners are required to fill-in & sign the acceptance form before their Horse or Pony arrives. If the Horse of Pony is sent with a third party the form must be completed & signed before arrival.
- It is a legal requirement that all Horses/Ponies, Mares & Stallions are accompanied to the Stud with their Passport/Identification documents, without which they will not be accepted.
- Insurance: TBS accepts no responsibility for visiting Horses/Ponies, Mares and Stallions. All Horses and Ponies whilst in the care of TBS must have fully comprehensive insurance a copy of this is to be given to TBS.
- Veterinary Assistance: All veterinary & associated fees are the responsibility of the owner of the
horse or pony named, all veterinary fees must be paid in full before the mare leaves TBS. Every reasonable endeavour will be made to consult the owner of the horse or pony before veterinary work is done, but in case of an emergency and/or of the owner not being contactable the veterinary’s surgeon will take such action as is considered necessary and at the owners cost for the welfare of the horse, in the unlikely event of an emergency if the owner cannot be reached the owner of the horse or pony hereby gives an undertaking of Veterinary Care Authorisation to TBS including euthanasia on veterinary advice. - We try to keep costs to our customers to a minimum but there are sometimes unforeseen veterinary expenses that occur. We will try to keep you informed as much as possible but will not be responsible for any charges whatsoever.
- Pre-breeding assessment: Can involve a scan of the mares ovaries to detect where she is in her cycle, checking that her ovaries, uterus and cervix and vaginal opening have no defects. If extra swabs are needed we will do these prior to insemination.
- Stud work: The attending veterinary surgeon (If present) and the manager of TBS retain the right to discontinue the breeding process if, in his or her opinion, it becomes unacceptably dangerous or for any other proper reason.
- Scanning: It is the policy of TBS to scan all Mares. If the mare leaves before being scanned it will be assumed that she is in foal.
(a) An in-date certificate of vaccination against Equine Influenza Virus
(b) An in-date certificate proving that the named stallion has been swabbed and tested negative for Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) in the current breeding season.
(c) An in-date certificate of vaccination against Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) including proof that the stallion was negative for EVA prior to vaccination OR a certificate from either the VLA or the AHT certifying that the stallion is serologically negative for EVA or a blood test taken within 28 days of entering TBS or has been proven by virus isolation on a semen sample collected after January 1st of the current year not to be shedding EVA.
(d) A current valid paid up certificate of insurance cover.
(e) Visiting Stallions MUST NOT be used for covering for 35 days prior to arrival at TBS (f) The Passport or other identification MUST accompany the named Stallion to TBS
11. VisitingMares:
(a) Mares arriving from Ireland or Europe or who have been in those countries within the last 6 months must additionally have a negative test for Equine Infectious Anaemia (EIA) a “Coggins Test”, the certificate for which must accompany the mare to Trevoulter Barton Stud.
(b) Certificates of NEGATIVE CEM, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeroginosa after the 1st • (c) In-date vaccination certificates for Equine Influenza Virus and Tetanus.
January of the current year and more than 14 days after the last mating (if any).
(d) All mares arriving at TBS must have had a blood test taken for Equine Viral Arteritis Virus (EVA) after January 1st of the current year within 28 days of arriving at TBS with a Negative result. The certificate mustaccompany the mare to stud.
- (e) The Passport or other identification MUST accompany the named Mare to TBS
- Strangles: Vaccination is now available through veterinary surgeons; it is worth considering before you send your Horse/Pony, Mare or Stallion to Stud.
- Farrier: All Horses/Ponies, Mares, Foals and Stallions will have their feet trimmed when
necessary and any costs charged to the owner’s account. Any specific shoeing requirements must be notified to the Stud. Visiting Mares please have hind shoes removed before arrival at TBS - Worming: All Horses/Ponies, Mares, Foals and Stallions will be included in the worming programme of TBS and the owner will be charged accordingly. TBS will advise D.I.Y liveries of worming programme.
- TBS reserves the right to refuse entry to the stud to any Horse/Pony, Mare and or Stallion that they consider to be an unacceptable health risk.
- Owners must accept that while their horse/Pony, is at TBS it is at their own risk – no responsibility for the animal can be accepted by TBS and all liability claims, damages, costs, loss and expense of any kind whatsoever.
- Invoicing: Livery fees to be paid fortnightly in advance. Veterinary fees will be submitted for
payment fortnightly. Interim invoicing for the Stud may be done at the stud’s absolute discretion once the animal has been at TBS for six weeks. The account for all keep fees and other costs incurred must be paid BEFORE the Horse/Pony, Mare and Foal and/or Stallion leaves the Stud. Horse/Pony, Mare and /or Stallion owners who send a third party to collect their animal must make arrangements to pay in advance of collection. The Animal will not be allowed to leave before payment is made in full. 3% interest will be charged per calendar month on overdue accounts. We reserve the right to add charges incurred through outstanding debts being recovered through our Solicitors. - Payment:Payment by cheque please make payable to Trevoulter Barton Stud (allow 7 working Days), payment by BACS (allow 4 working days), account details: Account Name: Trevoulter Barton Stud. Account number: 56511329 Bank Sort-code: 53-50-52
- The Owner will accept responsibility for direct/foreseeable damage but not unforeseen consequential damage.
- TBS reserves the right when the weather is inclement to bring stock in for the night at a small charge. Our Top
priority is the animal at all times. - Owners are welcome to come and ride or visit their Horse/s and or Pony/s at TBS between the hours of 10:00
a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and strictly by prior arrangement at Weekends. Excluding D.I.Y liveries. - In the unlikely event that the horse/pony displays any unacceptable behaviour tendencies that we feel it is in its best interest to be removed from the stud the owner will be contacted immediately for arrangements to be made.
- All horses entering TBS must be in fit and healthy condition and vaccinations up to date.
- Insurance: TBS accepts no responsibility for visiting Horses/Ponies, Mares and Stallions. All Horses and Ponies whilst in the care of TBS must have fully comprehensive insurance a copy of this is to be given to TBS
- Veterinary Assistance: All veterinary & associated fees are the responsibility of the owner of the
horse or pony named, all veterinary fees must be paid in full before the mare leaves TBS. Every reasonable endeavour will be made to consult the owner of the horse or pony before veterinary work is done, but in case of an emergency and/or of the owner not being contactable the veterinary’s surgeon will take such action as is considered necessary and at the owners cost for the welfare of the horse, in the unlikely event of an emergency if the owner cannot be reached the owner of the horse or pony hereby gives an
Should the horse be unsuitable for whatever reason, under no circumstances will a refund be given. - Owners must accept that while their horse/Pony, is at TBS it is at their own risk – no responsibility for the animal can be accepted by TBS and all liability claims, damages, costs, loss and expense of any kind whatsoever.
- Invoicing: Livery fees to be paid fortnightly in advance. Veterinary fees will be submitted for
payment fortnightly. Interim invoicing for the Stud may be done at the stud’s absolute discretion once the animal has been at TBS for six weeks. The account for all keep fees and other costs incurred must be paid BEFORE the Horse/Pony, Mare and Foal and/or Stallion leaves the Stud. Horse/Pony, Mare and /or Stallion owners who send a third party to collect their animal must make arrangements to pay in advance of collection. The Animal will not be allowed to leave before payment is made in full. 3% interest will be charged per calendar month on overdue accounts. We reserve the right to add charges incurred through outstanding debts being recovered through our Solicitors.
Horses sold on behalf of clients carry no warranty & are sold only subject to vet.
On payment of the deposit or full payment, the purchaser agrees to and accepts the above conditions of sale.
Horses/Ponies on Livery and/or Part Livery will have inclusive use of the facilities at TBS namely the Cross Country Course, Pole Jumps (weather and ground conditions permitting), Outdoor School and quite hacking around farmland. Please keep to the edge if they are crop fields.
Whilst at TBS your Horse or Pony will receive every possible care, attention and supervision including CCTV supervision TBS take no responsibility for any accidents, injury, disease, theft, loss or when foaling the Horse/Pony.
All visiting mares are served at the Owners risk and no responsibility can be accepted for injury, damage or loss caused through trying or serving any Mare. All visiting Stallions used for A.I. are at the Owners risk and no responsibility can be accepted for injury, damage or loss.
Please note that all visiting mares live in a separate yard from the Stallions.
Kerensa Pluess-Cobbledick is a DEFRA Approved AI Technician, works closely with established specialist Equine Vets, this way we offer an overall package.
The Vet or resident AI technician will take in outside mares for AI with Fresh/Chilled and Frozen semen form out side stallions
Terms and Conditions of Horses for sale
1: All Horses for sale are open to any trainers or veterinary inspection to asses and ensure suitability prior to purchase. We recommend all Horses are re vetted prior to purchase to ensure peace of mind.
2: Foals or Horses purchased will be secured by a minimum of £500 deposit or 10% of the purchase price if more. For foals full payment is expected on weaning. Insurance is recommended & can be arranged. This deposit is non refundable unless the horse fails a vet check prior to purchase.
3: Horses for sale on behalf of clients will be stated as such, information & breeding regarding such Horses will be supplied by their owner. Any contract remains solely between the current owner & prospective purchaser.
4: A client can secure any Horse by payment of a minimum 10% deposit, which then forms a contract to purchase. All vettings should be carried out at by a vet of your choice. If a vetting is required this should be carried out within 1 week of the payment of deposit or deciding to proceed with purchase. Any deposit is only refundable if the Horse fail the vet within this time. Otherwise deposits are non refundable. If the purchaser should change there mind then any deposit is forfeit.
5: We strongly recommend insurance is taken out for your new Horse. This can be arranged by us if required.
6: Any balance of payment is due within 3 days by cleared funds. No Horse may be removed from TBS until funds are fully cleared. Any balance remaining unpaid may render the contract cancelled by the purchaser and any deposit is then forfeit.
7: After the balance has been paid we request that horses are collected within 3 days unless otherwise agreed. Horses left after this time may be liable for livery charges.
8: Whilst we make every effort to ensure accuracy of all information on our web site from time to time errors may occur. The details presented within are as a guide only and do not form part of any contract or offer for sale. We do not offer any warranty or guarantee expressed or implied in relation to ability the horses, success, levels achievable, continued soundness etc. We do not offer refunds. It is expected the purchaser is able to decide if a horse is suitable and if not the horse is open to examination by any expert veterinary or otherwise to determine such factors prior to purchase. All Competition Horses, Foals & Youngstock are sold as seen.
9: All horses are tried & assessed at your own & your associates risk. A hard hat must be worn at all times when trying horses. Whilst TBS try to ensure that their horses are suitable for their purchaser, we can not be certain of the purchaser's expectations or riding capabilities.